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 Maya 2008 برنامج التصميم الشهير مايا2008

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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المشرف العام

عدد المساهمات : 34
نقاطك : 6
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/03/2009

Maya 2008 برنامج التصميم الشهير مايا2008 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Maya 2008 برنامج التصميم الشهير مايا2008   Maya 2008 برنامج التصميم الشهير مايا2008 I_icon_minitimeالأحد مارس 15, 2009 5:29 am

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

برنامج يقوم بعمل تصاميم ثلاثية الابعاد فبامكانك عمل تصاميم مختلفة وفنيه فعلى سبيل المثال يمكنك عمل تصميم لسيارة ومعه مجموعة من الادوات المساعدة
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Maya 2008 برنامج التصميم الشهير مايا2008 Maya2008dragonimagerg9

Maya 2008 برنامج التصميم الشهير مايا2008 Maya008screenxu8

Autodesk Maya Unlimited

The ultimate version of MayaA®️ software—Autodesk Maya Unlimited—is the choice of digital artists who are looking to make their 3D projects stand out. Maya Unlimited includes all the functionality found in Autodesk Maya Complete and provides professional artists and animators with additional industry-leading innovations such as Maya Fluid Effects, Maya nCloth, Maya Hair, Maya Fur, and Maya Live for the creation of superior digital content.

Autodesk Maya Unlimited contains everything in Autodesk Maya Complete, plus:

Maya Fluid Effects
Simulate and render a huge variety of atmospheric, pyrotechnic, viscous liquid, and open ocean effects. Maya Fluid Effects overcomes one of the greatest barriers in computer animation.

Maya Fur
Easily create realistic fur, short hair, wool and grass on NURBS, subdivision surfaces, or polygonal models. Incredibly realistic styling and rendering of short hair and fur, with Maya Artisan Brush Interface for painting fur attributes.

Maya nCloth
As the first Maya module built on the Autodesk new Nucleus technology, Maya nCloth functionality lets you quickly direct and control cloth and other material simulations in entirely new ways. Maya nCloth objects can be as stiff, viscous, or flowing, and as tightly or loosely woven as you desire. Rapidly create cloth-on-cloth simulations—such as a shirt over pants—with believable influences and collisions. Bend, stretch, shear, dent, or even tear your Maya nCloth fabrics with ease. Beyond cloth, Maya nCloth lets you create deformable plastic and metal simulations, inflatable objects, as well as rigid-body and fluidic-type effects.

Maya Live
Combine 2D live-action with 3D elements. Maya Live provides greater flexibility, a fast-integrated 2D Tracker, and an interactive Root Frame Solver. Maya Live also allows you to reconstruct live-action elements as 3D geometry as well as output to external applications.

Maya Hair
Create, style, and render fully dynamic long hair on NURBS or polygon objects. Make any NURBS curve dynamic for use in advanced character rigging and effects. Maya Hair can also be used to create a wide range of nonhair effects.

For full product details, please refer to the detailed features.

Our Very Fluid Fellows
Principal scientists Duncan Brinsmead and Jos Stam are the minds behind the industry-leading innovations for the creation of superior digital content found in Maya Unlimited.


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Maya 2008 برنامج التصميم الشهير مايا2008
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